Friday, December 23, 2011
This city is just like any other city you ever visited except it's just a little different. Everyone who wondered into the city has done so by accident, but none have ever left. It seems the city would be over crowded, but once again, as the people come into the city, the city accommodated the people. Female Names and Meanings Hasina, Swahili name meaning good, Dawn Anglo name meaning awakening, Gadwa Arabic or Arabian name meaning gift, Jun Chinese name for truth, Laila Danish name means night, Kathryn, Romania name for pure,7 Karma Indian for destiny, Desma Greek name for oath, Eveline, Romania name for light, Isa, Spanish name for rainbow, Tam, Vietnamese name for heart, and Beta Slavic name for dedicated to go.
The Christmas Journey
Snow lay heavy upon the roof of every house as the brisk cold night pass on. When you listen, you could clearly hear sounds of the wind whistling like a tea kettle as it whirled between cars, trees, branches, and over rooftops, then slowly, the wind spirals down the chimney. Inside the house children huddle together close by the fireplace watching flicker lights of fire as the wind dance off the tips of every flame like a musical performance. Between the crackling sounds of the fire, and the howling noise of the wind, sit 12 women speaking in whispering voices, at a table across the room as they plan "The Christmas Journey" to an unknown place without the city.
As the day draw near, every
house is filled with anticipation, joy and gladness as Christmas rings out in
the city of Hope Rise.
This story always start around Christmas in a city called Hope Rise, which runs 200 miles north and south, and east and west in the middle of every county on the face of the earth. This city is just like any other city you ever visited except it's just a little different. Everyone who wondered into the city has done so by accident, but none have ever left. It seems the city would be over crowded, but once again, as the people come into the city, the city accommodated the people. Every year in Hope Rise a given number of chosen people, either men or woman are assigned the job around Christmas time of taking the Christmas Journey. How this assignment came about no one really knows, but it's said that every year 12 persons either of 12 men or 12 women, receive a hand written letter instructing them to take the Christmas Journey. For several years, all the city's people would gather after receiving such letters and compare the writings to every man, woman and child. To this day no one has claimed to write the letters nor has there been a handwriting match to anyone in the city. The letters arrive each year three days before Christmas to the unexpected 12 persons. This year the 12 persons are 12 women who have been asked to deliver the Christmas request from every person who resides within the city. The men and women are to write down their names on a paper, and the children are to write only their request for Christmas, which is given over in 12 baskets to the 12, and this is how the Christmas Journey Begins.
Planning the Journey
Beta broke the silence when she said, "Well, ladies here we are, all together and ready to go". "Did everyone check their list of the thing to do before we journey? "
"Seeing this is the last night to prepare, I've checked everything twice", Tam said while starring at the beautifully decorated Christmas tree that sat in the corner of the room.
All Christmas trees in the city are beautifully decorated with lights, ornaments, garlands, tinsel, candy canes, angels and or the Star of Bethlehem. Underneath each tree, a special place has been made ready for presents to be received, because everyone knows on Christmas day every tree will be filled with all the gifts the heart desire. As they gathering their coats and hat's for the trip, Gadwa checks the baskets of names to assure everyone in the city, had their name inside.
The Journey
The women met at Tam's house to begin their journey. Each of the women received a letter, and that day they gathered to plan their trip. This year's lists of women are Tam, Hasina, Dawn, Gadwa, Jun, Laila, Kathryn, Karma, Desma, Eveline, Isa, and Beta 12 women from 12 different counties living in Hope Rise. There has never been any one nationality claim to own the city. The city has no owner the people just live everyday happy and secure. No doubt there are troubles, but no one blames another or consider any trouble an act of a disadvantage, instead everyone believes and trusts within themselves.
With baskets in hand the women make their way to the outer limits of the city uphill as they formed a single line, with names in a basket uphill do they climb. Uphill they go far into the night, pass houses and streets, out of every-one's eyesight. Taking each step with care, as if it were done by them before, while men look on but soon they tumble and roll, right downhill, into a very big ball of white snow. Soon the women climb up to the top of the highest hill; where they shall leave their baskets on a heart shaped mount fill. The night is brisk but they feel none of the cold, for by morning they would have lightened the weight of their baskets in tow.
The return
The Christmas Journey has come to an end, and is now complete; gifts are
wrapped and laid out beneath every Christmas tree. Our prayers have been
answered, even the sick sing with joy, laughter and dance could be heard in the
city, music ring out by far. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to the young
and to the old, once again by grace each person received gifts, so let the
story be told.
Merry Christmas
Hasina, Swahili name meaning good, Dawn
Anglo name meaning awakening, Gadwa Arabic or Arabian name meaning gift, Jun
Chinese name for truth, Laila Danish name means night, Kathryn, Romania name
for pure,7 Karma Indian for destiny, Desma Greek name for oath, Eveline,
Romania name for light, Isa, Spanish name for rainbow, Tam, Vietnamese name for
heart, and Beta Slavic name for dedicated to go.
Hasina, Swahili name meaning
good, Dawn Anglo name meaning awakening, Gadwa Arabic or Arabian name meaning gift,
Jun Chinese name for truth, Laila Danish name means night, Kathryn, Romania name
for pure,7 Karma Indian for destiny, Desma Greek name for oath, Eveline, Romania name for light, Isa, Spanish
name for rainbow, Tam, Vietnamese name for heart, and Beta Slavic name for
dedicated to go.
Friday, November 4, 2011
Saturday, October 15, 2011
The Days of Chipping, In the Day of the Humanoids and Drones
In the days
of mandatory chipping, I (alone with several others), was born without a chip
outside the SBAC Laboratories in the controlled environment after World Wars
III. I was born somewhere around the time of Reversal. My grandparents were
born before the last World Wars when people born in a hospital, by Doctors and
Nurses, received a hand written or typed certificate of birth. Now instead of a
certificate the microchip has been replaced as a form of recording new births,
among many other records the computer system keeps. With the micro chip system,
all of a person’s personal information is transferred from the parents chip to
the child’s chip at birth. The system rejected the elderly people, they were
not allowed chips, but before the times of chipping elderly people did exist.
Back then the average age of the elderly was 75 and senior citizen began at age
55. When the chip came, the elderly were denied chips, so all including my
grandparents disappeared, and the seniors at 55 became the elderly. If you
don’t believe me, just look around. My parents told me that before the age of
computers, everywhere in every state you saw elderly, 75 and over. You could go
about anywhere and find the elderly walking around. Not anymore.
There were
sayings when they were around, “Respect your elderly, don’t swear around your
elderly and always help the elderly, because the day will come when you’ll be
the elderly. In today’s age of chipping the elderly people is nowhere to be
found. Mama said they started disappearing when she was a young girl. She said
they alone with everything else that was good are gone, replaced by a system.
I asked
mama, “What happened to them? Where did they go?”
She said, “I
guess they couldn’t or didn’t want to survive under a system.”
Anyone born
with a chip now is forbidden to live past the age of 65 going back to the date
of their chipping. My parents were born in the age of chipping, and the only
way to receive your chip was at a Scheduled Birth Appointment Clinic in the
Laboratories or what is now known as a SBAC Lab. All parents who chose to have
a family were allowed to do so by a visit to the Laboratory where the Special
Science was practiced to perform a SBAC. Hospitals had been done away with
alone with doctors, nurses and health care workers and replace with Labs and
Scientists. The workforce like policemen was replaced by drones. And places
where the drones or humans couldn’t go, humanoids were used, like in the oil
fields, on ships and maintaining the source of the CPU (Central Processing
Units.) I was told not to communicate or try to touch the drones because I was
not registered. They couldn’t see or hear me anyway, so if I was in their path
they would only go around me. Without a chip they saw me as a moving or fix
But the
other drones I was to avoid, they were Police drones and they carried scanners.
I once saw a police drone search a man. He was convicted, sentenced and his
chip was expired. He was tased, and two drones came and took away the body.
They say body parts are used by the drones to make humanoids to be used in
wars, combat or places where neither human nor drones can go. No one claims
ever seeing one, but everyone believes they exist.
By now I
know what you must be thinking of all this, but you have to realized the era
that we now live in has lead us to this point. The last World Wars caused
irreversible changes to the environment and to the planet which altered the
reproduction of all forms of life. Before the disasters Scientist realized the
only way to preserved life was to stored memory within microchips where they’ve
kept and maintained the information at the source. Of course all this could
have been avoided had the peoples of the earth were willing to make the
necessary change to preserve life on earth. Instead, according to our Great
Grandparents neither side could agree to peace which leaded to World War III
whereby causing a major computer takeover worldwide. I’ve heard my parents talk
about the takeover, that it was planned by the computers when they were first
created. No one understood the real danger of their existence; even now no one
knows exactly how it happened. Some say it was the invention of computerized
cars, others say it was the telephone, and there are those like my Daddy who
believed it was the television that caused the real computers takeover. You
could hear him say,
“Any device
like the Television that’s capable of sending a message to you, can also
receive a message, just the same way your telephone works”. That’s how the
takeover happened, while you were sitting there watching them, they were
watching you”.
Mama and
daddy are always talking about the old days before the wars. They talk about
how everything grew naturally, food, plants and animals before the computers
were invented. Even birth giving was a natural event. They said, “Oh the
computers were there alright, they just had their place back then”.
They even
spoke of the days when there were elderly people and the elderly could live
past the special age. Mama would say that the elderly were a sociality of free
people who lived until a ripe old age of at least an hundred and two. She said
right before the wars, all around the world the elderly people began to
I asked,
“Mama, how is that possible the elderly just up and disappear?”
She said,
“Well baby you will understand when it’s time for you to understand.”
I heard that
during the Reversal, those who would have died, were given an extension and
babies were born without a chip because the mainframe computers malfunctioned.
The Reversal had lasted for three months and during that time, a lot of strange
things occurred. For instance the elderly lived past 65, food grew outside the
labs, air was fresh, and you could find clean water to drink. There were
sightings of real plant and animal life occurring all over the planet.
that happened during Reversal was not calculated into the system. So everything
that happened was done totally free. Well I too was a special because during
the Reversal, I was born. Mama always told me,
“You are
something real special, you came on your own time, and not when the Scientist
said it was time, but when the Reversal came, it was time for you to come”.
I’ll explain
about the Reversal to you later, you should know now that I bypassed the SBAC
and came without a chip. There were said to be thousands that came with the
clean air, water and new food, during the Reversal time. I heard that others
were out there born without a chip. I had wondered for years how did this all
happen to us, how did we become attached to the mainframe? I listen to others
talking about the Reversal, how the malfunction happened, they figured that the
program was off line for maintenance. My daddy’s always talking about those
days, so I asked daddy about maintenance, and he began to tell his story. He
began by saying,
“There was a
time when the whole world relied on computer systems for everything”,” First of
all, man relied on a computer just to wake up in the morning”.
we did was by the computer; some of us couldn’t brush our teeth without picking
up a motorized computerized tooth brush”.
“Then there
was television, another computerized system that told us what to do and when”.
“If they
said a storm was coming from the north, we believed it, no questions asked”.
looked up from their cars; they looked up from their office windows, or they
just looked it up on Google’s. But however we got it, we got it”. He would
laugh and say,
waiting for it, with that kind of announced introduction, how can the storm not
show up?”
“We would
all go out of our way to avoid this storm, just because they said it was so and
“And just as
this event was pre-programmed into our minds, so was it programmed in the
mainframe”, and like clockwork at the precise time, HAARP (High Frequency
Active Auroral Research Program) HAARP delivered our long awaited storm. Back
in the old day’s predictions of the weather was called sorcery or magic. People
were burned at the stake for practicing witchcraft such as weather prediction
or calling up spirits.”
“Not so now,
if the computer says its coming, its coming, no one gets to refute the
computer.” “The computers are in control, and more than half the world’s
population doesn’t even know it.”
Daddy said,
“You know baby, we never saw it coming, the brainwashing, the programming by
the central computer intelligence”, “No one could have thought when the
computers were created back in the 70’s,they were planning a takeover , and by
the 2000’s, the takeover was complete”. “They had become humanoids, it was hard
to tell if you were seeing a real person or talking to an android”, especially
over the phone or on the internet”.
“They had by
then infiltrated our governments posing as government figures (looking like
real people), from a Television standpoint of view, which (the computers had
generated and put them in place, (these people), looked official alright, but
was nothing but a generated computer program”. This would be just about the
time I would hear my mother saying,
“Now you
know that story is too farfetched for even you to believe, and it’s your
story!” and he would answer and say,
“Just look
around- you just look around and tell me what you think you see!”
Then he
would say, “Now that we’ve realized our mistake, it’s far too late; the system
has already taken over”. “Everything was becoming computerized back then and we
couldn’t see it.” “We watch a program on TV, and believed at least the people
we saw were real, before they told us about pre-programming.”
“Then came
the rude awakening when the whole world found out that the governments we
thought we knew, even the famous people didn’t, and to this day, don’t even
exist”, “They’re not real, it’s all been a fabricated generated program
developed by the mainframe to control the masses because the masses believe
whatever they see on TV, no questions asked”.
“Look at us
now, it worked, all the brainwashing has work for them, not for us.”
By this time
I’m completely confused. I chalk it all off as grownup talk. I’ve never seen a
Television Telephone or any other type of computer device other than the
drones. I’ve only heard of the mainframes and was told it’s stationed on the
moon. And the drones handle all the important business in the cities in person
for whatever a person may need, that is if you’ve got a chip. I just sit and
wonder how did I ever get by without a chip? I guess I can be thankful for
Reversal. I’ll tell you about that another time, but for now, none of the
computers get a signal from me at all. I’m not allowed to touch anything that’s
not real and in these times its getting harder and harder for me to determine
what is and what is not real.
Anwar Al-Awlaki Was On CIA's Kill Or Capture List
Pentagon Studies Human Microchip Implants
The Days of Chipping, In the Day of the Humanoids and Drones
The Days of Chipping, In the Day of the Humanoids and Drones
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Monday, May 30, 2011
War-Against Water Air and Man’s Right to Live
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Water-Air-Rights to Earth |
War is an openly declared state of organized conflict, typified by extreme aggression, societal disruption, and high mortality. As a behavior pattern, warlike tendencies are found in many primate species, including humans, and also found in many ant species. The set of techniques used by a group to carry out war is known as warfare.
From the beginning of time there has been Conflict to War causing Formation.The Light’s interruption of the Darkness created conflict between Night and Day. This formation of light causing heat and friction that night could not understand causing a separation of Night Light and Day Light. So causing the night to rule at night and the day to rule in the daytime. Thereby giving Light to Rule the Day and the Night to Rule the Night.
While boundaries set the order of rule between the elements, One must end where the other is set to begin. The lights interruption of the night, has brought about the beginning of daylight and the end of the night so when the light rules the daylight, the night must be silent until the day cease to rule.
War Conflict Causing Formation
The Waters conflict with Land, causing Oceans and Dry Earth. Without the boundaries and rules between Oceans and Earth, the Waters would exceed the and the Lands would not exist, or the Earth would swallow up the Waters and the Oceans would dry away into the Earth. The Dry Earth and Lands exist by Rule of the Oceans not to exceed over the dry land. This common Rule over between Daylight and Night between Oceans and Dry Land is a Necessary Conflict to Warfare.
Gen. 1: (9) Authorized King James Version
“And God said, Let the waters under the heaven be gathered together unto one place, and let the dry land appear: and it was so.
War is a seemingly inescapable and integral aspect of human culture. Its practice is not linked to any single type of political organization or society. Rather, as discussed by John Keegan in his History Of Warfare, war is a universal phenomenon whose form and scope is defined by the society that wages it.[10] The conduct of war extends along a continuum, from the almost universal primitive endemic warfare that began well before recorded human history, to advanced nuclear warfare between global alliances, with the recently developed ultimate potential for human extinction. Ancient warfare , Military history , History of War
War of Man’s Conflict against Humanity![]()
At the center of every lifespan looms remnants of past and present warfare against humanity. War has existed throughout the existence of every nation within their countries, their cities and worlds. War is in our waters the air and persist in the fibers of human life in every way. Throughout history of man war has been the center of all frictions. War has shape the worlds to date, leaving in it's path the end of human life. War has no reason,except to eliminate all life within it's path. Man's war against Humanity only begins the end of life on earth for all who seek death. Now is the time to promote Peace in our border, end wars and Begin a new Beginning.
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
The Need for Humanity to Rule is by Nature
By Nature Humanity is born good, all men were born good natured. His will to do well is swallowed up by the necessity to rule over. This necessity is an evil found in all good men. Found meaning (it) evil was not there (within man) by design.
War-Humanity's Unnecessary Necessity is Against our Water our Air and our Right to Live:
Humanities Unnecessary Necessity at: IBB 2 Club Humanities Unnecessary Necessity
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War-Not -A-Game is a Flicker Picture at: angel2hi2 Flicker Channel
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The Picture Shows Middle Eastern People the Faces of War, not the name of the Warriors Criminals who are killing Families. |
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