Monday, May 30, 2011

War-Against Water Air and Man’s Right to Live

Water-Air-Rights to Earth

War is an openly declared state of organized conflict, typified by extreme aggression, societal disruption, and high mortality. As a behavior pattern, warlike tendencies are found in many primate species, including humans, and also found in many ant species. The set of techniques used by a group to carry out war is known as warfare.

By the formation of the Planets through separation of matter, was the caused and beginnings of conflicts. Without conflict, nothing would be in existence. Sense conflict is war, than war has existed from the beginning alone with the ideal or a necessity to Rule over. The concept of One Ruler- There will be conflict to War Until One Rules.
From the beginning of time there has been Conflict to War causing Formation.The Light’s interruption of the Darkness created conflict between Night and Day. This formation of light causing heat and friction that  night could not understand causing a separation of Night Light and Day Light. So causing the night to rule at night and the day to rule in the daytime. Thereby giving Light to Rule the Day and the Night to Rule the Night.
While boundaries set the order of rule between the elements, One must end where the other is set to begin. The lights interruption of the night, has brought about the beginning of daylight and the end of the night so when the light rules the daylight, the night must be silent until the day cease to rule.

War Conflict Causing Formation
Gen. 1: (16) Authorized King James Version  “Day and Night ‘And God Made two great lights; the greater light to Rule the Day, and the lesser light to Rule the night…’, 

The Waters conflict with Land, causing Oceans and Dry Earth. Without  the boundaries and rules between Oceans and Earth, the Waters would exceed the and the Lands would not exist, or the Earth would swallow up the Waters and the Oceans would dry away into the Earth. The Dry Earth and Lands exist by Rule of the Oceans not to exceed over the dry land. This common  Rule over between Daylight and Night between Oceans and Dry Land is a Necessary Conflict to Warfare. 

Gen. 1: (9)  Authorized King James Version

Water-Land“And God said, Let the waters under the heaven be gathered together unto one place, and let the dry land appear: and it was so.

War of Man’s Conflict against  Humanity
War Man Uncessary Necessity
  War is a seemingly inescapable and integral aspect of human culture. Its practice is not linked to any single type of political organization or society. Rather, as discussed by John Keegan in his History Of Warfare, war is a universal phenomenon whose form and scope is defined by the society that wages it.[10] The conduct of war extends along a continuum, from the almost universal primitive endemic warfare that began well before recorded human history, to advanced nuclear warfare between global alliances, with the recently developed ultimate potential for human extinction. Ancient warfare , Military history , History of War 
At the center of every lifespan looms remnants of past and present warfare against humanity. War has existed throughout the existence of every nation within their countries, their cities and worlds. War is in our waters the air and persist in the fibers of human life in every way. Throughout history of man war has been the center of all frictions. War has shape the worlds to date, leaving in it's path the end of human life. War has no reason,except to eliminate all life within it's path. Man's war against Humanity only begins the end of life on earth for all who seek death. Now is the time to promote Peace in our border, end wars and Begin a new Beginning.  

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

The Need for Humanity to Rule is by Nature

War-Humanity Unnecessary Necessity

By Nature Humanity is born good, all men were born good natured. His will to do well is swallowed up by the necessity to rule over. This necessity is an evil found in all good men. Found meaning (it) evil was  not there (within man)  by design.

War-Humanity's Unnecessary Necessity is Against our Water our Air and our Right to Live:

Humanities Unnecessary Necessity at: IBB 2 Club Humanities Unnecessary Necessity

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War-Not -A-Game is a Flicker Picture at: angel2hi2 Flicker Channel
The Picture Shows Middle Eastern People the Faces of War,  not the name of the Warriors Criminals who are killing Families.

Check out this YouTube Channel at: angel2hi2