Friday, December 23, 2011

This city is just like any other city you ever visited except it's just a little different. Everyone who wondered into the city has done so by accident, but none have ever left. It seems the city would be over crowded, but once again, as the people come into the city, the city accommodated the people. Female Names and Meanings Hasina, Swahili name meaning good, Dawn Anglo name meaning awakening, Gadwa Arabic or Arabian name meaning gift, Jun Chinese name for truth, Laila Danish name means night, Kathryn, Romania name for pure,7 Karma Indian for destiny, Desma Greek name for oath, Eveline, Romania name for light, Isa, Spanish name for rainbow, Tam, Vietnamese name for heart, and Beta Slavic name for dedicated to go.

The Christmas Journey

Snow lay heavy upon the roof of every house as the brisk cold night pass on. When you listen, you could clearly hear sounds of the wind whistling like a tea kettle as it whirled between cars, trees, branches, and over rooftops, then slowly, the wind spirals down the chimney. Inside the house children huddle together close by the fireplace watching flicker lights of fire as the wind dance off the tips of every flame like a musical performance. Between the crackling sounds of the fire, and the howling noise of the wind, sit 12 women speaking in whispering voices, at a table across the room as they plan "The Christmas Journey" to an unknown place without the city. 

As the day draw near, every house is filled with anticipation, joy and gladness as Christmas rings out in the city of Hope Rise. 

This story always start around Christmas in a city called Hope Rise, which runs 200 miles north and south, and east and west in the middle of every county on the face of the earth. This city is just like any other city you ever visited except it's just a little different. Everyone who wondered into the city has done so by accident, but none have ever left. It seems the city would be over crowded, but once again, as the people come into the city, the city accommodated the people. Every year in Hope Rise a given number of chosen people, either men or woman are assigned the job around Christmas time of taking the Christmas Journey. How this assignment came about no one really knows, but it's said that every year 12 persons either of 12 men or 12 women, receive a hand written letter instructing them to take the Christmas Journey. For several years, all the city's people would gather after receiving such letters and compare the writings to every man, woman and child. To this day no one has claimed to write the letters nor has there been a handwriting match to anyone in the city. The letters arrive each year three days before Christmas to the unexpected 12 persons. This year the 12 persons are 12 women who have been asked to deliver the Christmas request from every person who resides within the city. The men and women are to write down their names on a paper, and the children are to write only their request for Christmas, which is given over in 12 baskets to the 12, and this is how the Christmas Journey Begins.

Planning the Journey 

Beta broke the silence when she said, "Well, ladies here we are, all together and ready to go". "Did everyone check their list of the thing to do before we journey? "
"Seeing this is the last night to prepare, I've checked everything twice", Tam said while starring at the beautifully decorated Christmas tree that sat in the corner of the room.
All Christmas trees in the city are beautifully decorated with lights, ornaments, garlands, tinsel, candy canes, angels and or the Star of Bethlehem. Underneath each tree, a special place has been made ready for presents to be received, because everyone knows on Christmas day every tree will be filled with all the gifts the heart desire. As they gathering their coats and hat's for the trip, Gadwa checks the baskets of names to assure everyone in the city, had their name inside. 

The Journey 

The women met at Tam's house to begin their journey. Each of the women received a letter, and that day they gathered to plan their trip. This year's lists of women are Tam, Hasina, Dawn, Gadwa, Jun, Laila, Kathryn, Karma, Desma, Eveline, Isa, and Beta 12 women from 12 different counties living in Hope Rise. There has never been any one nationality claim to own the city. The city has no owner the people just live everyday happy and secure. No doubt there are troubles, but no one blames another or consider any trouble an act of a disadvantage, instead everyone believes and trusts within themselves.
With baskets in hand the women make their way to the outer limits of the city uphill as they formed a single line, with names in a basket uphill do they climb. Uphill they go far into the night, pass houses and streets, out of every-one's eyesight. Taking each step with care, as if it were done by them before, while men look on but soon they tumble and roll, right downhill, into a very big ball of white snow. Soon the women climb up to the top of the highest hill; where they shall leave their baskets on a heart shaped mount fill. The night is brisk but they feel none of the cold, for by morning they would have lightened the weight of their baskets in tow.
The return 

The Christmas Journey has come to an end, and is now complete; gifts are wrapped and laid out beneath every Christmas tree. Our prayers have been answered, even the sick sing with joy, laughter and dance could be heard in the city, music ring out by far. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to the young and to the old, once again by grace each person received gifts, so let the story be told. 


Merry Christmas

Hasina, Swahili name meaning good, Dawn Anglo name meaning awakening, Gadwa Arabic or Arabian name meaning gift, Jun Chinese name for truth, Laila Danish name means night, Kathryn, Romania name for pure,7 Karma Indian for destiny, Desma Greek name for oath, Eveline, Romania name for light, Isa, Spanish name for rainbow, Tam, Vietnamese name for heart, and Beta Slavic name for dedicated to go.

Hasina, Swahili name meaning good, Dawn Anglo name meaning awakening, Gadwa Arabic or Arabian name meaning gift, Jun Chinese name for truth, Laila Danish name means night, Kathryn, Romania name for pure,7 Karma Indian for destiny, Desma Greek name for oath,  Eveline, Romania name for light, Isa, Spanish name for rainbow, Tam, Vietnamese name for heart, and Beta Slavic name for dedicated to go.